We had extreme weather the second week of January 2024 to kick off the new year here in the Port Angeles area. We had a combination of an arctic blast (overnight lows as low as 10F, highs only low 20s). snow and high winds. On top of this, we had "King Tides" midweek with some areas with high tides nearly double normal high tides.

Some of us in my camera club planned a field trip to brave the elements on Thursday the 11th on a trip to the Salt Creek recreation area we of Port Angelese. It was near-perfect  -  high winds, high tide mid-day, and great sunlight (and very cold).  Most of us got a bit close to the waves and got wet. I think I was the "winner" of the "Too Close to the Waves" contest. Next time I’ll have a change of clothes and a spare coat with me ;-)